It is not know how cuticular waxes reach the epidermal surface from intracellular . the pathway most likely involves endoplastric reticulum , transport vesicles , substrate ligands , vesicle receptors and many other secretory factors 内质网、转运小泡、配体物质、膜泡受体和其它分泌因子可能参与了蜡质组成成分从细胞内到达表皮的运输过程。
The gpit - catalyzed reaction represents the final step in the assembly of a gpl - anchored protein , and provides the critical post - translational modification of this class of proteins that allows them to gain entry into er - derived transport vesicles for delivery to the cell surface Gpit催化的这一反应为gpi化蛋白生物合成的最后一步,也是关键的一步。此翻译后修饰过程保证了这类蛋白质进入出自于er的转运囊泡,再被传送至细胞表面。